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- <!-- DTD for TV listings
- This is a DTD to represent a TV listing. It doesn't explicitly group
- programmes by day or by channel, instead broadcast time and channel
- are attributes of the 'programme' element. Optionally, data about the
- TV channels used can be stored in 'channel' elements.
- Data about a TV programme are stored in the subelements of element
- 'programme', but metadata such as when it will be broadcast are stored
- as attributes.
- Many of the details have a 'lang' attribute so that you can
- store them in multiple languages or have mixed languages in a single
- listing. This 'lang' should be the two-letter code such as 'en' or
- 'fr_FR'. Or you can just leave it out and let your reader take a
- guess.
- Unless otherwise specified, an element containing CDATA must have some
- text if it is written.
- An example XML file for this DTD might look like this:
- <tv generator-info-name="my listings generator">
- <channel id="3sat.de">
- <display-name lang="de">3SAT</display-name>
- </channel>
- <channel id="das-erste.de">
- <display-name lang="de">ARD</display-name>
- <display-name lang="de">Das Erste</display-name>
- </channel>
- <programme start="200006031633" channel="3sat.de">
- <title lang="de">blah</title>
- <title lang="en">blah</title>
- <desc lang="de">
- Blah Blah Blah.
- </desc>
- <credits>
- <director>blah</director>
- <actor>a</actor>
- <actor>b</actor>
- </credits>
- <date>19901011</date>
- <country>ES</country>
- <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">2 . 9 . 0/1</episode-num>
- <video>
- <aspect>16:9</aspect>
- </video>
- <rating system="MPAA">
- <value>PG</value>
- <icon src="pg_symbol.png" />
- </rating>
- <star-rating>
- <value>3/3</value>
- </star-rating>
- </programme>
- <programme> ... </programme>
- ...
- </tv>
- This describes two channels and then a programme broadcast on one of
- the channels, then some more programmes. Almost everything in the DTD
- is optional, so you can write files which are much simpler than this
- example.
- All dates and times in this DTD follow the same format, loosely based
- on ISO 8601. They can be 'YYYYMMDDhhmmss' or some initial
- substring, for example if you only know the year and month you can
- have 'YYYYMM'. You can also append a timezone to the end; if no
- explicit timezone is given, UTC is assumed. Examples:
- '200007281733 BST', '200209', '19880523083000 +0300'. (BST == +0100.)
- Unless specified otherwise, textual element content may not contain
- newlines - this is to make it easy to convert into line-oriented
- formats, and to avoid the question of what exactly a newline would
- mean in the middle of someone's name or whatever. Leading and
- trailing whitespace in element content is not significant.
- At present versions of this DTD correspond to releases of the 'xmltv'
- package, which is a set of programs to generate and manipulate files
- conforming to this DTD. Written by Ed Avis (ed@membled.com) and
- Gottfried Szing, thanks to others for suggestions.
- $Id: xmltv.dtd 1127 2004-10-19 15:32:04Z mrmario64 $
- -->
- <!-- The root element, tv.
- Date should be the date when the listings were originally produced in
- whatever format; if you're converting data from another source, then
- use the date given by that source. The date when the conversion
- itself was done is not important.
- To indicate the source of the listings, there are three attributes you
- can define:
- 'source-info-url' is a URL describing the data source in
- some human-readable form. So if you are getting your listings from
- SAT.1, you might set this to the URL of a page explaining how to
- subscribe to their feed. If you are getting them from a website, the
- URL might be the index of the site or at least of the TV listings
- section.
- 'source-info-name' is the link text for that URL; it should
- generally be the human-readable name of your listings supplier.
- Sometimes the link text might be printed without the link itself, in
- hardcopy listings for example.
- 'source-data-url' is where the actual data is grabbed from. This
- should link directly to the machine-readable data files if possible,
- but it's not rigorously defined what 'actual data' means. If you are
- parsing the data from human-readable pages, then it's more appropriate
- to link to them with the source-info stuff and omit this attribute.
- To publicize your wonderful program which generated this file, you can
- use 'generator-info-name' (preferably in the form 'progname/version')
- and 'generator-info-url' (a link to more info about the program).
- -->
- <!ELEMENT tv (channel*, programme*)>
- source-info-url CDATA #IMPLIED
- source-info-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- source-data-url CDATA #IMPLIED
- generator-info-name CDATA #IMPLIED
- generator-info-url CDATA #IMPLIED >
- <!-- channel - details of a channel
- Each 'programme' element (see below) should have an attribute
- 'channel' giving the channel on which it is broadcast. If you want to
- provide more detail about channels, you can give some 'channel'
- elements before listing the programmes. The 'id' attribute of the
- channel should match what is given in the 'channel' attribute of the
- programme.
- Typically, all the channels used in a particular TV listing will be
- included and then the programmes using those channels. But it's
- entirely optional to include channel details - you can just leave out
- channel elements or provide only some of them. It is also okay to
- give just channels and no programmes, if you just want to describe
- what TV channels are available in a certain area.
- Each channel has one id attribute, which must be unique and should
- preferably be in the form suggested by RFC2838 (the 'broadcast'
- element of the grammar in that RFC, in other words, a DNS-like name
- but without any URI scheme). Then one or more display names which are
- shown to the user. You might want a different display name for
- different languages, but also you can have more than one name for the
- same language. Names listed earlier are considered 'more canonical'.
- Since the display name is just there as a way for humans to refer to
- the channel, it's acceptable to just put the channel number if it's
- fairly universal among viewers of the channel. But remember that this
- isn't an official statement of what channel number has been
- allocated, and the same number might be used for a different channel
- somewhere else.
- The ordering of channel elements makes no difference to the meaning of
- the file, since they are looked up by id and not by their position.
- However it makes things like diffing easier if you write the channel
- elements sorted by ASCII order of their ids.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT channel (display-name+, icon*, url*) >
- <!ATTLIST channel id CDATA #REQUIRED >
- <!-- A user-friendly name for the channel - maybe even a channel
- number. List the most canonical / common ones first and the most
- obscure names last. The lang attribute follows RFC 1766.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST display-name lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- A URL where you can find out more about the element that contains
- it (programme or channel). This might be the official site, or a fan
- page, whatever you like really.
- If multiple url elements are given, the most authoritative or official
- (which might conflict...) sites should be listed first.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- programme - details of a single programme transmission
- A show will be exactly the same whether it is broadcast at 18:00 or
- 19:00, and on whichever channel. Technical details like broadcast
- time don't affect the content of the programme itself, so they are
- included as attributes of this element. Start time and channel are
- the two that you must include.
- Sometimes VCR programming systems like PDC or VPS have their own
- notion of 'start time' which is different from the actual start time,
- so there are attributes for that. In practice, stop time will usually
- be the start time of the next programme, but if you can get it more
- accurate, good for you. Similarly, you can specify a code for
- Gemstar's Showview or VideoPlus programming systems.
- TV listings sometimes have the problem of listing two or more
- programmes in the same timeslot, such as 'News; Weather'. We call
- this a 'clump' of programmes, and the 'clumpidx' attribute
- differentiates between two programmes sharing the same timeslot and
- channel. In this case News would have clumpidx="0/2" and Weather
- would have clumpidx="1/2". If you don't have this problem, be
- thankful!
- It's intended that start time and stop time, when both are present,
- make a half-closed interval: a programme is considered to be
- broadcasting _at_ its start time but to stop just before its stop
- time. In this way a programme from 11:00 to 12:00 does not overlap
- with another programme from 12:00 to 13:00, not even for a moment.
- Nor is there any gap between the two.
- To do: Some means of indicating breaks between programmes on the same
- channel. The 'channel' attribute references the 'id' of a channel
- element, but the DTD doesn't give a way to specify this constraint.
- Perhaps there is some better XML syntax we could use for that.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT programme (title+, sub-title*, desc*, credits?, date?,
- category*, language?, orig-language?, length?,
- icon*, url*, country*, episode-num*, video?, audio?,
- previously-shown?, premiere?, last-chance?, new?,
- subtitles*, rating*, star-rating? )>
- <!ATTLIST programme start CDATA #REQUIRED
- pdc-start CDATA #IMPLIED
- vps-start CDATA #IMPLIED
- showview CDATA #IMPLIED
- videoplus CDATA #IMPLIED
- clumpidx CDATA "0/1" >
- <!-- Programme title, eg 'The Simpsons'. -->
- <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST title lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Sub-title or episode title, eg 'Datalore'. Should probably be
- called 'secondary title' to avoid confusion with captioning!
- -->
- <!ELEMENT sub-title (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST sub-title lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Description of the programme or episode.
- Unlike other elements, long bits of whitespace here are treated as
- equivalent to a single space and newlines are permitted, so you can
- break lines and write a pretty-looking paragraph if you wish.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- Credits for the programme.
- People are listed in decreasing order of importance; so for example
- the starring actors appear first followed by the smaller parts. As
- with other parts of this file format, not mentioning a particular
- actor (for example) does not imply that he _didn't_ star in the film -
- so normally you'd list only the few most important people.
- Adapter can be either somebody who adapted a work for television, or
- somebody who did the translation from another language. Maybe these
- should be separate, but if so how would 'translator' fit in with the
- 'language' element?
- -->
- <!ELEMENT credits (director*, actor*, writer*, adapter*, producer*,
- presenter*, commentator*, guest* )>
- <!ELEMENT director (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT actor (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT writer (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT adapter (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT producer (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT presenter (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT commentator (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT guest (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- The date the programme or film was finished. This will probably
- be the same as the copyright date.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- Type of programme, eg 'soap', 'comedy' or whatever the
- equivalents are in your language. There's no predefined set of
- categories and it's okay for a programme to belong to several.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT category (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST category lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The language the programme will be broadcast in. This does not
- include the language of any subtitles, but it is affected by dubbing
- into a different language. For example, if a French film is dubbed
- into English, language=en and orig-language=fr.
- There are two ways to specify the language. You can use the
- two-letter codes such as en or fr, or you can give a name such as
- 'English' or 'Deutsch'. In the latter case you might want to use the
- 'lang' attribute, for example
- <language lang="fr">Allemand</language>
- -->
- <!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST language lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The original language, before dubbing. The same remarks as for
- 'language' apply.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT orig-language (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST orig-language lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The true length of the programme, not counting advertisements or
- trailers. But this does take account of any bits which were cut out
- of the broadcast version - eg if a two hour film is cut to 110 minutes
- and then padded with 20 minutes of advertising, length will be 110
- minutes even though end time minus start time is 130 minutes.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT length (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST length units (seconds | minutes | hours) #REQUIRED>
- <!-- An icon associated with the element that contains it.
- src: uri of image
- width, height: (optional) dimensions of image
- These dimensions are pixel dimensions for the time being, eventually
- this will change to be more like HTML's 'img'.
- -->
- height CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The value of the element that contains it. This is for elements
- that can have both a textual 'value' and an icon. At present there is
- no 'lang' attribute here because things like 'PG' are not translatable
- (although a document explaining what 'PG' actually means would be).
- It happens that 'value' is used only for this sort of thing.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT value (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- A country where the programme was made or one of the countries in
- a joint production. You can give the name of a country, in which case
- you might want to specify the language in which this name is written,
- or you can give a two-letter uppercase country code, in which case the
- lang attribute should not be given. For example,
- <country lang="en">Italy</country>
- <country>GB</country>
- -->
- <!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST country lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Episode number
- Not the title of the episode, its number or ID. There are several
- ways of numbering episodes, so the 'system' attribute lets you specify
- which you mean.
- There are two predefined numbering systems, 'xmltv_ns' and
- 'onscreen'.
- xmltv_ns: This is intended to be a general way to number episodes and
- parts of multi-part episodes. It is three numbers separated by dots,
- the first is the series or season, the second the episode number
- within that series, and the third the part number, if the programme is
- part of a two-parter. All these numbers are indexed from zero, and
- they can be given in the form 'X/Y' to show series X out of Y series
- made, or episode X out of Y episodes in this series, or part X of a
- Y-part episode. If any of these aren't known they can be omitted.
- You can put spaces whereever you like to make things easier to read.
- (NB 'part number' is not used when a whole programme is split in two
- for purely scheduling reasons; it's intended for cases where there
- really is a 'Part One' and 'Part Two'. The format doesn't currently
- have a way to represent a whole programme that happens to be split
- across two or more timeslots.)
- Some examples will make things clearer. The first episode of the
- second series is '1.0.0/1' . If it were a two-part episode, then the
- first half would be '1.0.0/2' and the second half '1.0.1/2'. If you
- know that an episode is from the first season, but you don't know
- which episode it is or whether it is part of a multiparter, you could
- give the episode-num as '0..'. Here the second and third numbers have
- been omitted. If you know that this is the first part of a three-part
- episode, which is the last episode of the first series of thirteen,
- its number would be '0 . 12/13 . 0/3'. The series number is just '0'
- because you don't know how many series there are in total - perhaps
- the show is still being made!
- The other predefined system, onscreen, is to simply copy what the
- programme makers write in the credits - 'Episode #FFEE' would
- translate to '#FFEE'.
- You are encouraged to use one of these two if possible; if xmltv_ns is
- not general enough for your needs, let me know. But if you want, you
- can use your own system and give the 'system' attribute as a URL
- describing the system you use.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT episode-num (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST episode-num system CDATA "onscreen">
- <!-- Video details: the subelements describe the picture quality as
- follows:
- present: whether this programme has a picture (no, in the
- case of radio stations broadcast on TV or 'Blue'), legal values are
- 'yes' or 'no'. Obviously if the value is 'no', the other elements are
- meaningless.
- colour: 'yes' for colour, 'no' for black-and-white.
- aspect: The horizontal:vertical aspect ratio, eg '4:3' or '16:9'.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT video (present?, colour?, aspect?)>
- <!ELEMENT present (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT colour (#PCDATA)>
- <!ELEMENT aspect (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- Audio details, similar to video details above.
- present: whether this programme has any sound at all, 'yes' or 'no'.
- stereo: Description of the stereo-ness of the sound. Legal values
- are currently 'mono' and 'stereo' and 'surround'; others like 'quad'
- might be added later.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT audio (present?, stereo?)>
- <!ELEMENT stereo (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- When and where the programme was last shown, if known. Normally
- in TV listings 'repeat' means 'previously shown on this channel', but
- if you don't know what channel the old screening was on (but do know
- that it happened) then you can omit the 'channel' attribute.
- Similarly you can omit the 'start' attribute if you don't know when
- the previous transmission was (though you can of course give just the
- year, etc.).
- The absence of this element does not say for certain that the
- programme is brand new and has never been screened anywhere before.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT previously-shown EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST previously-shown start CDATA #IMPLIED
- channel CDATA #IMPLIED >
- <!-- 'Premiere'. Different channels have different meanings for this
- word - sometimes it means a film has never before been seen on TV in
- that country, but other channels use it to mean 'the first showing of
- this film on our channel in the current run'. It might have been
- shown before, but now they have paid for another set of showings,
- which makes the first in that set count as a premiere!
- So this element doesn't have a clear meaning, just use it to represent
- where 'premiere' would appear in a printed TV listing. You can use
- the content of the element to explain exactly what is meant, for
- example:
- <premiere lang="en">
- First showing on national terrestrial TV
- </premiere>
- The textual content is a 'paragraph' as for <desc>. If you don't want
- to give an explanation, just write empty content:
- <premiere />
- -->
- <!ELEMENT premiere (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST premiere lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Last-chance. In a way this is the opposite of premiere. Some
- channels buy the rights to show a movie a certain number of times, and
- the first may be flagged 'premiere', the last as 'last showing'.
- For symmetry with premiere, you may use the element content to give a
- 'paragraph' describing exactly what is meant - it's unlikely to be the
- last showing ever! Otherwise, explicitly put empty content:
- <last-chance />
- -->
- <!ELEMENT last-chance (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST last-chance lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- New. This is the first screened programme from a new show that
- has never been shown on television before - if not worldwide then at
- least never before in this country. After the first episode or
- programme has been shown, subsequent ones are no longer 'new'.
- Similarly the second series of an established programme is not 'new'.
- Note that this does not mean 'new season' or 'new episode' of an
- existing show. You can express part of that using the episode-num
- stuff.
- -->
- <!-- Subtitles. These can be either 'teletext' (sent digitally, and
- displayed at the viewer's request) or 'onscreen' (superimposed on the
- picture and impossible to get rid of). You can have multiple subtitle
- streams to handle different languages. Language for subtitles is
- specified in the same way as for programmes.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT subtitles (language?)>
- <!ATTLIST subtitles type (teletext | onscreen) #IMPLIED>
- <!-- Rating. Various bodies decide on classifications for films -
- usually a minimum age you must be to see it. In principle the same
- could be done for ordinary TV programmes. Because there are many
- systems for doing this, you can also specify the rating system used
- (which in practice is the same as the body which made the rating).
- -->
- <!ELEMENT rating (value, icon*)>
- <!ATTLIST rating system CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- 'Star rating' - many listings guides award a programme a score as
- a quick guide to how good it is. The value of this element should be
- 'N / M', for example one star out of a possible five stars would be
- '1 / 5'. Zero stars is also a possible score (and not the same as
- 'unrated'). You should try to map whatever wacky system your listings
- source uses to a number of stars: so for example if they have thumbs
- up, thumbs sideways and thumbs down, you could map that to two, one or
- zero stars out of two. Whitespace between the numbers and slash is
- ignored.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT star-rating (value, icon*)>
- <!-- (Why are things like 'stereo', which must be one of a small
- number of values, stored as the contents of elements rather than as
- attributes? Because they are data rather than metadata. Attributes
- are used for things like the language or encoding of element contents,
- or for programme transmission details.) -->